Sunday, October 28, 2012

i have the plague

So, help me understand something.

Why is it that when MOMMY is sick, no one does a damn thing around the house?

My house was social worker clean yesterday.   We had our home study for the adoption of my stepdaughter yesterday.  We passed with flying colors, and I can only assume it's not because I'm a decent parent and shit.  Oh, no.  It was because my house was SPOTLESSLY clean for the social worker to view.  As in - she could have even opened closets and cabinets and not been pelted by an avalanche of crap.  I was so proud!

And in a scant eight hours, my children destroyed it.

My kitchen is a mess.

My living room is a mess.

Their rooms are trashed again.


Seriously, this is horrid.  Mommy just went on a congested hissyfit streak.  They're now doing the dishes.  And I may or may not kill them.

Have I mentioned that I'm overly dramatic and bitchy when I'm sick?

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