Monday, September 10, 2012

these are a few of my favorite things

And by that I mean ... ice cream and booze.

By now, I'm sure you know that I'm obsessed with my ice cream maker.  I got such a great deal on it, and hey ... ice cream.  Preservative and additive free.  Whenever I want it?  WIN.

So, I got bored (that's how these things always get started).  I rummaged in the fridge, and came up with some vanilla Greek yogurt, some frozen strawberries, a South Carolina sized bottle of low-proof rum (don't you judge me), and a few limes.  Huh.  What could I possibly do with this bunch of misfit food?  I KNOW!  Put it in the ice cream maker!

So, I present to you ... Strawberry Mojito Fro-Yo.

I realize that most booze won't freeze, but hey.  This was some quality stuff.  I think it may have been like, 20 proof.  So I rolled the dice.  I "sampled" the rum, and dumped the other half of the bottle in a blender.  Then I added about a cup of yogurt.  Then I added the bag of frozen strawberries (they were about a pound, it seems).  Blended till smooth, dumped in the ice cream maker.

At about that point in the photo (about ten minutes in), I was all "OH SHIT THE LIMES!"  I squeezed half of a lime into the top of the ice cream maker and prayed to baby Jeebus that this mess would come out okay.

Let me tell you - that was some of the most DIVINE stuff I've ever had.  I had to tell the kids "that's mommy's, don't eat it."  Of course, my oldest (the almost thirteen year old female garbage hole) just had to know why.  I finally told her "it's got booze in it.  And if I catch you eating it, you'll be eating from the litter box.  And since you never clean it, your ice cream will be mighty crunchy.  Got it?"

Score one for me and my stellar parenting skills.

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